Last night in our group therapy, we were asked to go around the room and describe how we feel. Our counselor wrote on the board:
Kool-Aid (What's your favorite flavor)
It was interesting to listen to the others. A lot of what they were feeling, I feel too. It really does help to know that I am not alone in my journey or in my feelings. Then it got to me.
Emotionally - Annoyed
Spiritually - Disconnected
Physically - Everything Hurts
Mentally - A wreck
Kool-Aid - Black Cherry mixed with Pink Lemonade
He asked if I wanted to talk about any of it. And I did. I gave some brief issues. It has just felt like everything is crashing down around me right now. I'm holding my own, and I am somehow managing to not lose my mind. But at the same time, I feel like I'm approaching that breaking point.
Monday, we had a manager meeting that was so bad, I don't even know where to begin. Long story short, I lost a lot of respect for the district manager and quickly realized that the men will stick together regardless of whether or not they are correct in their actions or words. I left that meeting very angry. I wanted a drink. That was the first moment that I genuinely wanted to just say "fuck it" and get shitty. I got home and learned that the registration on my car has been suspended. Again, all I wanted was a drink. I got in the shower and decided that I would leave early for AA. I got there about an hour and a half early. I just sat in the parking lot and waited for the doors to be unlocked. I didn't go have a drink. I left there feeling so much better than I did. Then my roommate called to inform me that my dog had gotten out of her crate. She had destroyed the apartment. Could that day get any worse?! I had no help cleaning up the mess. Don't get me wrong, it is my dog and it is unfair for me to expect anyone else to help. But I did think that it would be common human decency to do so. I was a little upset that I was on my own in the cleaning while the other merely sat outside and did nothing.
Yesterday, I learned the hard way that the words of others are excusable while mine are not. I got in trouble for making a comment. Let's not worry about all of the comments that the other has made. It only mattered that I had said something. I was told by our district manager that I seem to "live in drama" and that I am "always looking to start a fight" and that my mouth is gonna get me let go. I sat there getting more and more angry as he spoke. I said one thing. One sentence. "Because we are so incompetent." Those 5 words were apparently the greatest fault on the planet. I decided to say nothing to this man as he spoke down to me. I simply pulled the store key out of my pocket, set it down on the table and walked away. I quit my job yesterday.
I have probably put myself into a terrible financial situation. I know that. And I am doing everything in my power right now to remedy this issue. But I could not sit there and be spoken to as though I am nothing. I could not let this man treat me as though I am not his equal. I could not be ok with the action of boy being excusable while mine were so detrimental. I had to stand up for myself and walk away from a situation that I saw unfair and unequal.
I have done all of this and I have made it through these days without a drink. I am jobless. I am scared. I am tired. I am annoyed. But most importantly, I am 28 days sober.
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