Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Urge destroyed!

I am straight up calling today a massive win!

I started by going and purchasing The Big Book. I haven't had a chance to open it up yet, but that reading will def start tomorrow! I went by work and dropped off some goodies for a couple fellow employees.  I went and got my bows waxed (cause they were seriously in need of some love). Then I came home and actually had some motivation for the first time in a long time.  I got some laundry done, and did a little cleaning.  Most importantly:  I took the last beer out of my mini fridge and unplugged the fridge. (Side note: did not drink the beer!) It was only used for booze and I don't need it anymore!  I'm sure that I will eventually plug it back in and use it for sodas or waters, but right now it just felt good to not need it.  Second most importantly:  I took away the things in my room from the past year that I don't want or need anymore.  I threw a lot of things away.  Not things that relate to alcohol.  But things that represented the last year of my life.  And not in a good way. Pictures and posters.  To the trash they went.  It felt like I was taking a part of my self, a negative part, and I was getting rid of it.  I don't know how to explain it.  It just feels great to let go of things.

Then I went to pool league.  I didn't win my match, but I had a blast!  I do need to get used to shooting sober.  That is still new for me. but I'll get there.  And let's face it...I was pretty decent when I was drinking like a fish...just wait until I get this sobriety thing down.  I just might turn into a force to be reckoned with. I even left the pool hall and stopped by a local bar.  I told the bartender and the server (with a little help from a friend) that I do not drink and I am not to be served alcohol under any circumstances, ever.  I shot some pool with 2 amazing people. I did, at one point, want a drink.  But instead, I had the bartender make me a juice cocktail as a shot. No alcohol included. It got me over my urge and, again, I had a blast! And it felt so good to drive home and not have to worry about getting pulled over.  I didn't have to worry about which road to take.  I actually remembered the drive. It's the little things that just feel amazing.  I'm taking a catering for work in the morning and I can lay here with a smile and know that I am not going to wake up with a hangover in the morning.

But I have to admit, I could not be succeeding the way that I am if it weren't for the amazing people that I have in my life.  And you all know who you are.  I am so grateful!

Day 13 = success.  Day 14 will be too.  I know it.

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