Monday, September 4, 2017

The Good and The Bad

Yesterday and today have been fairly rough.  Yesterday started bad and ended well and today started good and has ended horrible.

At work yesterday morning, I began thinking that I function better as a drunk than I do sober.  I managed to successfully hurt myself multiple times.  I scratched up my ankle by running over it with the cart, I burned my arm on the bean kettle (after I almost burned the beans). And then I finally sliced my thumb open and ended up at the e.r.  It wasn't to big of a deal they just glued it back together, gave me a tetanus shot and sent me on my way.  I did, after work get to enjoy dinner and coffee with a good friend though.  That was def the perfect way to end my day.  It didn't involve a bar.  Ordinarily, after being injured that times in a day, I would have instantly gone to a bar.  I didn't. It was a really good end to the day.

Today managed to be the opposite.  I actually had a really good morning at work.  Even got everything done fairly quickly, despite my lack of motivation, and was able to leave early.  I took the long way home because I just felt like driving. I got home, and just laid down.  I was so tired, for no reason. So fell asleep for about 6 hours.  I woke up around 830 with a nice little migraine.  Took some ibuprofen and got back in bed.  After a little while, headache was much better so I decided to smoke a cigarette.  That lasted about 2.5 minutes, I had to run inside to pray to the porcelain God.  My stomach is upset, my head still hurts and my body is sore.  I feel like I got hit by a truck.  I dont know if I'm just getting sick or if my body is still trying to figure out how to function sober.

Time will tell.  1 day at a time.


Vaun said...

So proud of you Kris. I miss seeing your smiling face every day, but I understand you have to do what you have to do to be right with YOU.

Kris Lynn said...

I'll be back around there eventually! I do miss seeing your face as well! I've just gotta take a little time. But I'll be on everyone's nerves again soon enough. lol